Wednesday, March 19, 2008

We will give this a try...

At the suggestion of my sister- in- law Jessi, I am going to attempt to blog. I am not sure how many people will actually be interested in my life, but you never know. I have really enjoyed several blogs that my friends have done, so I will give this a try.....So here it goes.

So for those of you who haven't met them, here are our children:


(The firstborn who keeps to himself)


(By the way....he loves clothes)


(She is our only little girl)

And last but not least


(The Baby)

No really good pictures of Josh and myself yet, but I promise we will work on this over the weekend. This is all new to me, so like I said we will give this a try!


Jessi said...

Yea!! I'm glad you could join us!! Looks Good!

Robin said...

If I can do it, anybody can. Welcome aboard.

Carly said...

Hey Leigh! Great to see you started a blog!

Megan said...

Welcome to the blogging world! Watch out, it can become very addicting! Can't wait to peek in on your life from time to time! (Well, that sounds a little bit like I'm a stalker, but you know what I mean!)

The Rogers Family said...

I love the pictures of the children. They are all so precious, even trouble. I figured I could do this to, so now we are both blogging.