Sunday, March 29, 2009

Recent Pictures of Kendall

Playing in her Bumbo while Mommy is putting her clothes away

All ready for church last Sunday

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Posing with Daddy before church

Sunning after eating breakfast on the front porch
These are in random order thanks to Blogger, but hope you enjoy them anyway.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dr. Appts x 2 & Updates on KQW

Kendall went to the doctor Monday for a check up and shots. She is very healthy and at 15 weeks, weighs 13 pounds 10 ounces. She has almost doubled her birth weight. She doesn't need to go back until her 6 month check up.

I went to the doctor this morning for them to check my blood pressure and my visit was not as good as Kendall's. My blood pressure was high 140/86. This was higher than when they checked it 6 weeks after Kendall was born. My doctor told me to come back in 4 weeks for another BP check, but not to worry too much about it. On a side note they weighed me today and I only have 10 pounds to lose to get back to what I weighed before I got pregnant. That made me fell a little better~10 pounds left is WAY better than what I started with. So I need you all to pray that my BP gets lower before I go back to the doctor next time.

Since I have been VERY slack at updating, I am proud to say that we have not ran out of Colief again and for the past 2 1/2 weeks Kendall has been sleeping all night. The colic is getting much better - Which is probably a combo of her outgrowing it, Colief, and her getting sleep.

I will post some recent pictures soon - I don't have time to sit here that long right now.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Hello! Did ya'll miss me?

I know that I have been a little absent lately in the world of blogging, but to be quiet honest I have been doing something WAY better...I have been enjoying just being a Mommy.
When I get home I spend time with Kendall, boil bottles, pack everything up for the next day, and by that time I am more than ready to go to bed. Needless to say that doesn't leave much too much time for the computer - I do get a little in via my Blackberry just to feel attached to the outside world. I promise I have still been a ready good blog reader to all of you, because I do need to keep up. I think if it did not take 10 years to upload pictures to the blog I would keep up a little better. However, I vow to do a little better next week. We will see how it works out!

Saturday, March 7, 2009


....That is the number of hours that Kendall slept last night without waking up. Wish us the same luck tonight.