Thursday, August 28, 2008

A New Season Is Here

I know it is not Fall yet, but my favorite season starts today......Gamecock Football season.

I usually go to several of the games with Dano & Jane, but this year we will just have to wait and see. There are a lot of steps to climb, and anyone that has ever visited Columbia knows that it is one of the hottest places on earth. Being a big pregnant woman, hot, and 1,000 stairs to climb may not mix well. You never know, I will more than likely try it anyway. Hmm.....There is a doctor that sits in the seats next to us...I am sure he might know a thing or two about labor.
Well all I have to say is GO COCKS!


Jessi said...

time for an update...

The Parsons said...


Please let me know when you are having a shower. I would love to be able to come to one:-)

Hope all is well.

Take care,