Monday, May 5, 2008


Our computer has been getting repaired, so I am now going to update what has been going on.....

*On Monday April 28 th my friend Carmen had her beautiful sweet baby girl, Campbell. She weighed 9 lbs 4oz and was 19 1/2 inches long.
*My friend Carly also had a sweet baby boy, Davis. He was a little smaller than Campbell, he was 5 lbs. I must say that he is a really handsome boy!
*Danny & Jane graduated on May 3rd....I am so very proud of them...
*I went to the doctor on Friday....The due date from them was December 30 th , so I was only a few days off the the date I got from calculating on my own. I have felt really good until I started taking the prenatal vitamins....I have been queasy since I put it in my mouth ....I am just know feeling better, and of course it is time for another daily dose. (Any advice on what do about this, if there is any hope... PLEASE SHARE)


Megan said...

Here's my prenatal advice - EAT! Don't take the vitamins on an empty stomach - that's the worst thing you can do. I learned the hard way! Sometimes I would just take mine at lunch since I usually ate more for lunch than breakfast. Hope this helps. Hang in there!

Jessi said...

I couldn't take them at all. I took 2-3 Flintstones and ate Tums. But I have heard of people breaking them in half and taking one at lunch and one at supper. I'm sorry you're not feeling well.

Carly said...

Wow! Kudos to Carmen - 9lbs+!! I hope she is doing well. And I didn't have any problems w/ the vitamins but I've heard of people taking flinstones like Jessi said. December 30! I'm so excited for y'all.

The Parsons said...

I had to try 3 different vitamins before I found one that did not make me sick. So, ask your doctor if you can try a different brand. I second Megan's advice of taking them on a full stomach.