Monday, January 12, 2009

Are You Kidding Me ?!?

This were some of the first words I spoke today. (other than talking to Kendall in the wee morning hours) I called the daycare today to let them know that Kendall would be coming 2 weeks from today and to see what all we needed to have and that kinda thing. Do you know what the director told me? He said that I was on his list of people to call today. I knew it was going to be bad news when I made someones "To Do List". He said that due to the economy that some of the babies that were going to be in the baby room with Kendall were not coming and that she would not be able to attend there. He said that she would be the only baby they would have until June - I saw no problem with her being the only baby, but he said that they could not take her. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? was my response to him, he was giving me 2 weeks notice to find a daycare. Luckily Josh was off today, so I could cry and have a mini nervous breakdown before I hit the Yellow Pages. I remembered a friend at church told me about how pleased she was with her daycare (she also has a new baby girl) so I called them. They were super nice and everyone I have asked about them have only had great things to say. Josh & I are going to visit there tomorrow, so I hope all goes well. This is more than likely God working in a mysterious way again (you think I would learn by now) and we will be extremely happy with this daycare and this is where she was meant to go all along....I will let you all know how it turns out.

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